Forget Alzheimer's - Home is a feeling
17 czerwca 2020
I was born and educated in Poland. At the age of 20, I came to England to work at the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution nursing home in Surrey as a care assistant. I had no prior experience of working with people living with dementia. Nor did I know anyone personally with this condition.
10 kwietnia 2021
Malwina wanted to work as a live in carer, looking after people in their own homes, thinking it can be an interesting and rewarding job. On the other hand she was dreading it. The worst-case scenario for Malwina was looking after a client with dementia. She was afraid ...
Person centred approach

Non-pharmacological methods. Continue to see the person, not the condition.
Forget the illness, focus on the individual.
Person centred communication plan, tailor made for the individual.
Carer’s Circle Gathering - time to take care of yourself.
Adult MHFA course with Mind Oxfordshire
International Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners

Malwina is a very kind, very dedicated professional person. I do not have experience of her dementia work but she worked for my cousin who has had a very severe stroke and her patience, kindness and understanding was amazing.
I have known Malwina for a number of years, and have seen her work with people with Dementia. Her patience, tolerance and loving care is awe inspiring, and the improvements with her clients are amazing, making life so different for them and their carers. I wholeheartedly recommend her to all who need special care, and endorse all previous comments. And as a therapist I promote her at my natural health clinic, Battle Healthy Living Clinic East Sussex.
Malwina uses her many skills, her warmth and great sensitivity in her care for people with dementia. She tailors her care for each client and observes them closely to adapt when needed. This level of skill and attention is still rare among care workers and much needed in all health and care fields.
Malwina pomogła mi zapanować nad agresją matki chorej na demencję i nad moimi lękami. To wspaniała młoda kobieta, która wnosi dobro i spokój wszędzie tam, gdzie się pojawi. Posiada prawdziwy dar odgadywania duchowych potrzeb swoich podopiecznych. Ja się z czymś takim nigdy wcześniej nie spotkałam. Jej osobowość emanuje wewnętrznym ładem, który uważam za coś przepięknego
This reference is to acknowledge the incredible level and content of care provided by Malwina to my dear late wife Susan. Anyone who has been involved with a loved one with dementia will know the terrible and frightening impact the disease has on the sufferer but also on the family. Malwina came into our lives in March 2012 when Susan was relocated at home for the family to provide 24 hour care. Immediately Malwina was very sensitive to areas of caring which I had not previously found with other carers. The approach from Malwina towards Susan was almost as an equal – she lived in Susan’s world. She connected with Susan’s feelings and emotions. Malwina developed an environment where Susan felt contended – safe and loved. Malwina provided what we called “Susan Perfect Day” This included physical, emotional and mental activities as the basis of each day. This approach gave a complete range of approaches to the daily care but was only delivered by the intelligent and caring approach by Malwina. In all other aspects of care – Malwina demonstrated at all times a thoroughly professional approach. Susan’s personal hygiene, medication and general health needs were always attended to. As a person Malwina is completely trustworthy – she gave of herself in providing superb care and comfort to not only Susan but us all. I will willingly elaborate on any questions arising from this reference.
Malwina is a very experienced and resourceful carer for dementia patients. Malwina really understands dementia and how to join in their world and take them where they need to be while making them feel in charge. It is so clever how she achieves this you almost need to see it to believe it. She has so many ideas and methods and slips seamlessly from one to the next if needed. When Malwina was caring for my mum, my mum was not only well cared for but was having fun too. Malwina got mum out and about and trying new things we never for a moment thought she would do. Malwina had a different , very subservient persona with my mum and would get mum onside by asking her for help so that mum felt in charge and useful. When mum felt lost or confused at home Malwina would join in with mum and turn it into an exploration of this "new " place , helping mum to accept and work around her confusion. Above all else Malwina was not just a carer she was a fun and inventive companion. Malwina has a genuine interest and enthusiasm for dementia and has studied dementia and different methods to help and is continually researching new ideas. She gave me incredible support and taught me so much more than any of the dementia books I had read. She is an amazing resource of tried and tested and fresh ideas.
Warsztaty pani Malwiny Aishy otwierają oczy i serca na potrzeby starszych osób z demencją, uczą jak można wejść do świata chorej osoby, jak się z nią porozumiewać, współpracować i czerpać z tego radość i siłę. Podczas warsztatów podane są proste i bardzo skuteczne metody i wskazówki, których celem jest lepsza komunikacja, zrozumienie, spokój i zadowolenie osoby chorej a także jej opiekunów, którzy pomimo wyzwania jakim jest opieka nad chorą bliską osobą mogą cieszyć się życiem i mieć satysfakcję. Jak najbardziej polecam, bo jest to rewolucyjne podejście do demencji i chorób neurodegeneracyjnych osób, które są mądre, wartościowe tylko żyją w innym świecie, najczęściej niezrozumiałym dla otoczenia. Podejście do chorych ludzi przedstawione przez panią Malwinę przywraca im godność i miejsce w społeczeństwie, dzięki temu nie zamykają się w sobie i nie rezygnują.
I was lucky enough to find Malwina some years ago when I was looking for a carer for my sister who has dementia. Since the day she started to look after my sister as a live-in carer, my life has changed considerably in that the worry I had for my sister who lived alone in her London flat was almost immediately lifted when I discovered the extent and thoroughness of the care that Malwina was providing for her, particularly as I do not live near my sister. The care my sister now gets goes way beyond what I was expecting as she now gets all the usual day-to-day household care but also is now introduced to many outside activities that has extended her life experiences and interests and give her a much fuller and happy life meeting other people, making friends and improving her feeling of well being. This is all due to the gentle, friendly professional way Malwina carries out her caring role. It was a great day when Malwina came into our lives. I would recommend her without hesitation to anyone in need of life improving and enriching care.